Well now Ken Lafler and Erich Groat were drinking Beer in a
Chinatown Loft, celebrating the destruction of their
commercially unsuccessful band Brain Helicopter, and decided to
record a record. A band was the last thing on their minds; just
a record, that is all. But although Erich had drummed and Ken
played bass in that incredibly unlikely band Tweety U.K., they
really needed the rhythmic talent of Nathan Logus there, back
there with them, backing them. Nathan was, of course, an
ex-former member of The Barnies (and he still is) and used to
play with Tobin Sprout but at the time was bashing things for
Jules Verdone. But then all of a sudden heaps of songs got
written in a garage in Medford and they all had a name: Baby
Ray. And then all of a sudden they had this cool demo tape
(don't we all?) and it went off looking for a bass player
manager record label. And it found a record label.... But, umm,
there was still a bass player at large, and we couldn't put out
a record until he was found, so we sent the demo tape looking
again, and it found Paul Simonoff, a beet farmer who strings
catguts on his plow and calls it The Electric Bass, who was
(and is) and ex-former member of The Lawn Marys and Chainsuck
and was a current member of Lumen. All of a sudden, even though
no one ever thought it would be there, there was a Band, and it
had a name: Baby Ray. Yes! And the demo tape went out and found
a Manager, and -- do you know who she is? -- She is Judy
Collins, and she manages to manage the Unmanagable Baby Ray. No
further information is available at this time.